Page 37 - Gustaf Douglas: Classic Sweden
P. 37
6 Skilling Banco Imperforate
The rough draft of the public notice regarding postage stamps which was to be carried by the general
newspapers and dated as late as 24 May 1855, designated the color of the 6 skilling banco as vermilion at first but
later changed it to violet. No person now living has seen them in this color but rather in various shades between
grey and grey brown.
Six imperforate copies, including one pair, of the 6 Skilling Banco are recorded,
all of which were cancelled in Carlshamn June‐July 1856. They appear to originate
from the same pane on thin paper printed in light grey color.
24 Skilling Banco a. Dull red [July 1855]
The term insured letter was not introduced until 1.1.1873. Before that, when a letter was handed in closed it was
named “closed registration” and when it was handed in open it was named “open registration” Letter mail with
“open registration” required an additional fee of 16 Skilling Banco to be paid with stamps.
Second domestic letter rate 8 Skilling Banco (1¼ lod ≤ 2¼ lod) with open registration, for which the additional fee
was 16 Skilling Banco. Correct total rate 24 Skilling Banco from JÖNKÖPING 29.1.1856 to Westerås.