Page 77 - Chris King Denmark, Slesvig and Holstein: Invasion, Occupation, and Postal Change
P. 77

XIV. The telegraph service                 Deutsch-Oestereichischen Telegraphen-Verein from Kolding to Veile
                                                  Deutsch-Oestereichischen Telegraphen-Verein from Flensburg to Veile

              Veile April 17 1864 3 10

              H. M. Lt Gabknz Kolding

              Nach den vorliegende Nachrichten /asst nichts auf die WahrscheinUchkeit eines Angriffins auf Veile
              lnfonrerie ist nirgens von den nachgesandten Vorposten entdeckt worden. fine gemischte PatroulUe ist
              uber Uldum hieraus gesandt and noch nicht zuriick

           "According to information to hand, one cannot conclude that there is any possib/Uty of an attack on Vejle. The
           dispatched scouts have nowhere discovered any infantry. A mixed patrol has been sent out via Uldum and has not
           yet returned."

              Private Tekgramme

              Fknsburg (undated, but around  I 9th April)
              An Lieutnant Falkenstein ost7: Regt Ramming In Wei/e.

              Gestern herlichen Sieg. 9 Schanzen und de Bruckenkopf ohne Schuss mit dem Lazarett genommen. 1 Schanze
              kapltulirt 60-70 Geschutze erorbert 3000 Gefangene gemacht, darunten 2  Regiments commandure und drca 30
              Offiziere, unser Verlust noch unbekannt, woraus sichtUch  10 bis 20 Offiziere 6 bis 700 Mann todt und
              verwundet Hermann Schanze VI ersturmt, seln Major auf derselben erschossen. Max Stunn auf Schanze IV
              commandilt gewesen, gliickllch mltgesturmt, Oberstlieutenant Hartmann am Kopf verwundet, ich gesund
              morgen marschiren nach jilt/and um friedericia zu belagem.

              v. Falkenstein.

              Vom 6. Annee C.Orps C.Omando,  Geneallieutnant Gf Wunster. Nach Aussage elnes Gefangenen vom d 11.
              Regiment war einigen Zeit nach Aarhuus eingeschifft, daher wahrscheinlich im Norden No  1 und II


           "Yesterday glorious victory.  Nine redoubts and the bridgehead with the hospital taken without a shot  I Redoubt
           capitulated 60-70 canon captured, 3000 prisoners of war taken, including two regimental commanders and about
           thirty officers. Our losses not yet known. Estimating  I 0-20 officers,  fJ..700 men dead and injured. Herman stormed
           redoul>t 6, his major shot there. Max was commanded to attack redoubt 4 successfully. Lieutenant Colonel
           Hartmann injured in the head. I am well. Tomorrow we march into Jutland to lay siege to Fredericia.

           v.  Falkenstein

           From the 61h army corps command, Lieutenant General Wunster. According to a prisoner the  J J lh regiment was
           sometime shipped to Aarhuus. Probably in Norden I and II.


         In  1859 the Prussian army established two mobile telegraph units.  Both were in operation during the
           1864 war.  At the end of February, unit one linked Aabenraa-Haderslev-Christiansfeld-Kolding and
         the second unit moved to Flensborg to re-establish the line from there to Vejle and Horsens. Danish
          telegraph operators had sabotaged this line in several places. and the line was completely renewed.

                                                       Denmark, Slesvig and Holstein, Invasion, Occupation and Postal Change: Page 77
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