Page 80 - Chris King Denmark, Slesvig and Holstein: Invasion, Occupation, and Postal Change
P. 80
XIV. The telegraph service Danish telegramme from S0nderborg to K0benhavn
Imperial Austrian telegramme sent to Herslev
Stat;~telegraplum. TeLeg1: Nr. / ~
(ra Statiou
fii-il. , Kjol>enhavn,
I otti February 1864, T elegramme envelope with contents sent free at I I .45 am from S0nderborg to
K0benhavn. Backstamped with double eds STATS TELEGRAPHEN STATION KJ0BENHAVN.
~~ .de&:.: ..... -.......... _
Von del' k. k. Telcgraphen-Station in
.... - .... -o•u: ••••••oo.o .... o.O••• ••• •o-o••o•••-O .. o.oooooo"-4U••-oUUol-<"OOooo ... t.U~--·---··· -.. o 0u o-..--.o.oooooon ... oooo.o oo-oo o-.o----oo O ~•o.--.-..... ·--···•-.>o _ _
. in
gr.gen Empfangscli.ciu.
Zur llestellung an don Adrcssat.en dem Boten iibergeb~n'.iua_Ohr ......... .Min.~ ttaw;,
I 8th April 1864, T elegramme envelope sent to Austrian Field Marshall Lt. Graf Neipperg in Herslev,
Denmark. On reverse wax seal K:K:FELD TELEGRAPH and double headed Austrian Imperial eagle.
Denmark. Slesvig and Holstein. Invasion. Occupation and Postal Change: Page 80