Page 83 - Chris King Denmark, Slesvig and Holstein: Invasion, Occupation, and Postal Change
P. 83
XV. The first armistice period 12m May - 25m June Prisoner of war letter from N0rre-Sundby to Silesia
Prisoner of war letter from K0benhavn to Magdeburg
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2nd June 1864, Entire letter sent from Ntzirre-Sundby to a Danish prisoner of war at Grosse Glogau in Silesia.
It travelled via Aalborg, K0benhavn, LObeck, Hamburg and Berlin to reach Grosse Glogau on 6th June.
Manuscript 13/9 indicates prepaid 22 Skilling - 9 Skilling being the Danish share and 13 Skilling being due to the Prussian
post office which equalled 3 Silver Groschen shown by the manuscript 3.
14th June 1864, Entire parolee letter sent from K0benhavn to Magdeburg via the K0benhavn-LUbeck
route. Ant V KI0BENHA VN K B for Kj0bmagergades Brevpostkontor and Lap eds
St.P .A. LU EBE CK for Lubeck Stadt Post Arnt on the reverse. Also bearing three line
BERLIN ~ HAMBURG railway transit mark. Marked 5 (Silbergroschen) and. 2 struck out.
The Danish navy intercepted a number of merchant ships en route to Hamburg. The writer of this letter was taken
prisoner of war when the Danish navy intercepted his ship in the River Elbe.
Denmark, SJesvig and Holstein, Invasion. Occupation and Postal Change: Page 83