Page 88 - Chris King Denmark, Slesvig and Holstein: Invasion, Occupation, and Postal Change
P. 88
XVI. Redirected and rerouted mail From K0benhavn to Hamburg via LObeck
To Flensburg via LO beck
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2otti May 1864, Envelope sent from K0benhavn to Hamburg with 8 Skilling prepaid in stamps. On
reverse, transit Lapidar eds K.D.O.P.A. LUBECK and arrival handstamp adapted Lapidar
HAMBURG. Posted on board ship to Lubeck and cancelled there with target numeral 3.
Postage between the Kingdom of Denmark and the Duchies of Holstein and Lauenburg, and Hamburg was increased from
4 Skilling for prepaid letters on I st April (Circular I I/ 1864). The double framed octagonal boxed K.B. aus DANEMARK.
(Kasse Brief) used in Lubeck for mall posted on board ship.
stti May 1864, Entire letter sent to Flensburg. On reverse, transit Lapidar eds K.D.O.P.A. LUBECK
Stamped with K.B. aus DANEMARK.
Addressed to First Lieutenant Hiort, wounded and captured at the battle of Dybb0I on I 8th April 1864, at the Johanniter
Hospital. Sent on the Steamship LI. Bager, see manuscript Pr. L.I. Bager top left, sailing from K0benhavn on Sunday 8th May
1864 between 5 and 6 in the afternoon direct to Lubeck. (Circular 1211864).
Denmark, Slesvig ond Holstein, Invasion. Occupation ond Postal Change: Poge 88