Page 90 - Chris King Denmark, Slesvig and Holstein: Invasion, Occupation, and Postal Change
P. 90
XVI. Redirected and rerouted mail From Viborg to Aalborg north of Limfjorden
Sth April 1864, Entire official letter sent
from Viborg to Aalborg. Endorsed KT mA
(Kongelige Tjeneste med Attest) in lower
left hand corner, and bearing eds Ant Ill
VIBORG, Ant VI L0GST0R and Ant Ill
The usual route would have been direct from
Viborg to Aalborg. Viborg was not occupied until
2sm April, and Aalborg remained free until Sth May.
But, due to hostile troops in the area, the letter was
routed north of Limfjorden for safety.
Denmark. Slesvig and Holstein, Invasion. Occupation and Postal Change: Page 90