Page 84 - Chris King Denmark, Slesvig and Holstein: Invasion, Occupation, and Postal Change
P. 84

XV. The first armistice period  I 2th  May - 25th June   Fjerritslev to Ringk0bing - delivered after the armistice ends
                                                                     Lemvig to Rlbe - delivered after the armistice ends

            24t.h June 1864, Envelope addressed to Pastor Gjerloff in  Ringk0bing from Fjerritslev with 4 Skilling
           crown and sceptre and three ring numeral 98 datestamped eds Ant Ill FJERRITSLEV. On reverse
                                  arrival Ant VI RINGKJ0BING dated 26th June 1864.

           The letter was sent on the day before the armistice expired, and was delivered, contrary to regulations, on the day after.

             27th June 1864, Second weight class letter to Ribe bearing two  1863 4 Skilling stamps cancelled
                      with three ring numeral canceller 38 and datestamped with Ant Ill  LEMVIG.

               On 29th May  I 864 a land postal connection was established between northern Jutland and the Duchies, via Ribe.
              The route was open until the end of the armistice on 25m June, and this letter ls dated two days after the war had
                resumed. Only Denmark north of Limfjorden remained in Danish hands, Ribe was occupied on 2am June and
               Postmaster Steenberg was dismissed. The land route through western Jutland was considered safe until the first
              week of July,  but at the end of its journey, this letter was carried illegally, probably by postman A Anderson, who
                          was later decorated for continuing the work of the Ribe post office during the war.
                                                        Denmark. Slesvig and Holstein, Invasion. Occupation and Postal Change: Page 84
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