Page 82 - Chris King Denmark, Slesvig and Holstein: Invasion, Occupation, and Postal Change
P. 82

XV. The first armistice period  12m May - 25m June                Stamped letter from Yarde to K0benhavn
                                                                               Stamped letter from Nibe to Aalborg

            20tti May 1864, Entire letter with 4 Skilling bearing Ant Ill V ARDE sent from South Jutland to K0benhavn
                                              during the first armistice period.

            Normal postal services were resumed and the writer complains that his pension has been unpaid due to enemy action.


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                      "'iew\\k  ...  ?i)fft  S:•  are

                   25tti May 1864, Entire letter from Nibe to Aalborg with  1863 4 Skilling cancelled by three
                                ring numeral canceller 45 and datestamped eds Ant VII NIBE.

                                                        Denmark. Slesvig ond Holstein, lnvosioo. Occupation ond Postel Change: Poge 82
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