Page 81 - Chris King Denmark, Slesvig and Holstein: Invasion, Occupation, and Postal Change
P. 81
XV. The first armistice period I 2th May - 25th June Prisoner of war letter via Lubeck
Official letter from Frederikshavn to Skanderborg
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I Sth May 1864, Envelope sent from K0benhavn during the first armistice period from I 2th May - 25th June
1864 to a Danish prisoner of war in Flensburg. Marked fr. 6, for six Skilling prepaid, and via Lubeck.
On reverse boxed two line SCHLESW.POST.SPED.BUR nordlich
and Prussian double eds FLENSBURG.
I 2th May 1864 - One of the conditions of the first armistice is normalisation of postal service
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I 8th May 1864, Royal Service letter with manuscript K... T.m.a. (Kongelig Tjeneste
med attest) sent free during the first armistice period from Frederikshavn to
Skanderborg bearing Danish Ant Ill FREDERIKSHA VN.
Denmark. Slesvig and Holstein. Invasion. Occupation and Postal Change: Page 81