Page 50 - Ian Marshall - London Coffe Houses - Standing Display January 2016
P. 50

sGray' Inn Coffee House                                                                         1'----'

The annexed is a Copy of the Resolution agreed upon at the Meeting on Friday last, to which,

if you assent; be pleased to affix your Name, and return it to us forthwith, that the Settlement may

be made. All the Simple Contract Creditors must concur, and 'of whom, with the Debts, we annex

a List, otherwise the Assets will be distributed in a course of Administration, and in that case

one Bond Creditor will absorb the whole Estate.                              sy
                                                                 We are,
                                                                                      Your obedient Servants,

Estate of MR. ·w1LLIA:\I HouGIITO'.'", of Basingstoke, llants, Grocer, deceased.

AT a Meeting of the Creditors of the deceased, this 22d day of December, 1843, convened and
   held at Gn.AY's !'.'IN, CoFFEE HousE, Loxnox,-

It is agreed,

TnA'r on the several Simple Contract Creditor& of the deceased executing a Release to his

Estate and Executors, the Executors of his 'Yill, )fr. RouER'l' COTTLE, signing this Undertaking,

being one of them, will pay to such Simple Contract Creditors, a Dividend on their respective

                               ~- D ebts of Ei ·ht Shillino-s in the pound.  ROBE RT COTTLE,
                                                                             JAMES T UWNEND,
/A letter from a firm of solicitors, Messrs Cole Lamb                        FENN, KEMM, and FENN,

& B~ooks, in Basingstoke, advising of a meeting of
creditors of a deceased grocer, William Houghton,
which was posted on 2T11December1843 to one of
the creditors, Buss and Leedham, in Bread Street,
London. The creditors, who were all listed in the
printed letter, were owed a total of £625-18s-1 d and
were all required to agree to a proposed settlement
of 8/- in the pound, failing which one Bond Creditor
would absorb the whole Estate. Buss and Leedham's
acceptance was posted back on the same document
the next day arriving in Basingstoke on the 29th. The
Creditors' Meeting had been held at Gray's Inn
Coffee House on 22nd December. See overleaf._
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