Page 19 - Johnson_CapeOfGoodHope
P. 19


Four  Pence  in  red  on  Six-Pence  Dull  lilac  
November  1868  

Troe  Troe  to  Clan  William  to  Cape  Town  to  the  United  Kingdom  
August  1870  

Main  feature  

The  manuscript  cancellation  of Troe Troe.  A postmistress  was  not  
appointed  until  the  1st September  1873  and  the  letter  would  have  been  ·  
taken  in  by a  receiving  letter  agent  for transmission  to  Clan  William  
where  the  stamps  were  obliterated  with  the  10 in  bars  and  the  oval  Clan  
William  ds  applied.  

This was the first surcharge  [in preference  to printing  from the woodblock plates]  and was done to meet  
the exhaustion  offourpenny  stamps in October  1869.  
The reason for the excess of sixpenny stamps was the increase  in the postage to the UK from 6d to  1 s Od  
on the  l"t April1863  and the reduction  in the ship letter rate from 6d to 4d on the same date. There were  
two printings  of the surcharge  and in all about 1,120,000 stamps were overprinted.  
The internal4d  Y:z  oz rate lasted until  the  l"t  November  1879 when it became 3d for Y:z  oz. Double rate  
paid in this  case 
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