Page 44 - Johnson_CapeOfGoodHope
P. 44


Underpaid  mail  going  abroad  

Cape  Town  to  the  United  States  

October  1883  

Main  feature  

The  US  calculation  or the  postage  due.  

The postage to the UK from the  Cape was 6d for \IS  oz; the postage to USA via UK was 7Y2d.  Mail  
which was underpaid  should  have been charged  the deficiency with a fine of one rate.  This  makes  9d  
or 18 cents which  appears  to have been  rounded  up to 20c.  

The ship letter  rate to the UK was also 6d for \IS  oz and 7 \~S d  to the USA between  1876 and  1888.  
However this  does not explain  the accotmtancy  5 due from the UK to the  Cape or the blue  50. 20c  
would have  been the correct postage_  due on a double weight  letter from the UK to the USA  [2  Yzd  or 5c  
for each  half ounce doubled] but then  the 6d postage  Cape to the UK is wrong for a double rate. The  
50 in blue must be regarded  as the amount  debited to the US on a letter from  a non UPU source  
bearing  a charge  [the 5 or 5d]. 
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