Page 49 - Johnson_CapeOfGoodHope
P. 49


Y2d  grey-black,  1d  red  and  6d  purple  

September  1882,  December  1885  and  December  1884  

Port  Elizabeth  to  Italy  

October  1885  

R  TH I S  ~E:~~~;8~~~?o  LETTER.  ~  0FFIG . E TO  BE R~ISTIHIED  AND  A  


\t~ t:x  ..  
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Main feature  

The 1V2d  V2  ounce  rate  to  Italy .  

The postage  seems to have gone to this rate in 1880. Cape Colony did not join  the UPU until the  1s t January  
1895 whereas Italy and Great Britain had joined  in July 1875. The 2\tid accountancy mark [in red crayon  
underneath the London registered  mark] is the credit to the United Kingdom  and is the equivalent  of the  
UPU rate for a \ti  ounce letter from the United Kingdom to Italy. The balance  of 5d represents  Cape postage  
and the cost of sea transit to the United Kingdom. 
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