Page 77 - Johnson_CapeOfGoodHope
P. 77


Redirected  mail  

Paarl  to  the  United  Kingdom  to  Germany  

June  1901  

Main feature  

The rate  is the Imperial Penny rate  [  1d for  each  % ounce  from  the  1st  
September  1899  to  the  31st December  1906  and  then  1d for  each  ounce  
from  the  1st  January  1907).  Two rates  paid  in  Paarl  for%  to  1 oz.  

The UPU  rate was 2%d  for each%  ounce after Cape Colony  joined the UPU  on the  1st  
January  1895  and  then  2%d  for  the  first  ounce  and  1  %d  for  each  succeeding  ounce  
from  the  1st January  1907.  

The  postage  had  to  be  made  up  to  the  full  UPU  rate  on  redirection  to  Berlin  from  
London.  Two  UPU  rates  were  Sd;  Sd  less  the  2d  paid  in  Paarl  gave  the  3d  put  on  using  
UK stamps.  The  Inspector's  'hot  cross  bun'  in  pink  verifi,es  the  total  paid. 
   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82