Page 81 - Mick Bister - The Postcode Programmes of France
P. 81
Mechanised sorting (no ident) at the Arcueil sorting office, 18 September 1973, followed by
direct sorting (Ident A3) at Lille.
This is an example of the very rare occasion when an item of mail for a foreign destination
has received an indexation.
t r- - - - - ilill~~·>"--~-·----'--11.~·-· · - I ~A3
STATION TtH: R MAL~ & o'A6 f.. f: ;., N ...!
3 ~ ol.Ji>.\ le~
tf/uj - JJrrr-U.a.u
A3 _.,,....-
9 ---.9 9 9 5
---- ---- ---- ----
The coding desk operator at Arcueil has misinterpreted the Belgian postcode 5980 as one in the
departement of Nord (59) and has applied the 59999 departement majorite code to direct the
letter to Lille. Once at Lille, the item has been correctly identified for Belgium and, using the
direct sorting equipment, it has been forwarded to Grez-Doiceau (5980) in the province of
Brabant Wallon.