Page 105 - Sierra Leone to 1961 - The Collection
P. 105
The Edward VII Keyplate 1902 to 1912
Aniline Ink
Chemically, the term ‘aniline’ should only be applied to ink which has been derived from coal tar, but the
term is widely used by philatelists to describe a bright red coloured ink that has suffused through to the back
of the stamp.
Three values from the first Edward VII series have red ink which can be found showing through from the
back: 1d, 4d and 5s.
4d, 1d and 5s values with aniline ink seeping through to the back of the stamps
Second West India Regiment Perfin
A small number of stamps from the first and second Queen Victoria keyplates were perforated with initials of
the Second West India Regiment, 2 / WIR, as a security measure. The first Edward VII 1d value is the only
one in the post-Victoria era that was treated this way.
The perforating die was becoming damaged as two pins are missing from this impression.
2 / WIR Back
Perfin (Image reversed)