Page 12 - Sierra Leone to 1961 - The Collection
P. 12

The Sixpence Stamp 1859 to 1895

1884	  Revenue Printing. Crown CC Watermark. Comb Perf 14 with wing margins at edges of panes.

These stamps were printed specifically for revenue, rather than postal, purposes in a distinctive violet shade.
Although they were sent to Sierra Leone, the stamps were never used officially and were subsequently acquired
by a dealer. 30,720 stamps were sent in one despatch on 7 August 1884.

	 Pane 11	                               Pane 6
	 The top right stamp from this pane
	 has a constant variety of a dot after
	 the final E of PENCE
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17