Page 504 - Sierra Leone to 1961 - The Collection
P. 504
Kambia Kambia
Kambia is near the French Guinea border in the north-west of Sierra Leone. The Port Loko
office opened on 9 August 1899 and, apart from short closures in 1905-1906, Freetown
1944 and 1945, remained open until independence in 1961. Kambia was one of
five offices to be sent this large non-standard postmark.
4 January 1905 - Edward VII 1d postal stationery envelope from Kambia to London, United Kingdom.
In 1905 mail was despatched from Kambia by carrier cross-country to Port Loko, where it picked up the
weekly service provided by the steam launch Sybil to Freetown. This cover was struck with the large Kambia
datestamp on 4 January 1905, with the ‘stamp’ being cancelled at Freetown on 7 January. There is a hooded
London arrival handstamp of 21 January 1905.