Page 96 - Ian Marshall - London Coffe Houses - Standing Display January 2016
P. 96
Dick's or Richard's Coffee House
8, Fleet Street near Temple Bar
It was established in 1680 by Richard Turver/Turner and was
indifferently known as both Dick's or Richard's Coffee House throughout
its 205 years of existence. In 1683 it was named in a list oftaverns and
coffee houses involved in the Rye House Plot to assassinate Charles II. In
1714 it was used as the base for the Union Assurance Society and was a
very popular and much-frequented meeting place. By 1839 it was known
as Dick's Tavern and Coffee House; and in 1885 it was turned into
French restaurant before the building was demolished in 1899.
A wrapper circa 1700 addressed to: ''the Honoured Edw. Clark Esq. A
Member of Parliament. To be left at Richards Coffee House near Temple
Barr to be delivered with care & speed London". An early black Bishop
Mark on the reverse showing April 23rd.