Page 99 - Ian Marshall - London Coffe Houses - Standing Display January 2016
P. 99

Salopian Coffee House
                                 42, Charing Cross

The earliest reference is in 1749 but there is no clue as to how it came by
its name. No connection with Shropshire has been found. In the 18th C
covers are variously addressed to "near the Admiralty", "Charing Cross"
_and "Whitehall". In 1793 it was described as snug rather than elegant;
much used by military heroes where "they sell, exchange and barter their
commissions as convenience may dictate". In 1810 it expanded next door
to 41. It became the haunt ofengineers and Thomas Telford made it his
headquarters for 21 years.

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r A free front posted in Chard on 26th M arch 1822 addressed to Oxford

I where it was forwarded to the coffee house.


A letter posted in Aberdeen on 2nd August 183 1 which arrived in London I

on the 5ih. Charged 1/3Yid with the additional Yid charge mark.
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