Page 91 - Johnson_CapeOfGoodHope
P. 91

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Underpaid  foreign  mail  

Kimberley  to  the  United  Kingdom  

September  1886  

Main  feature  

The  handstruck  ls/- in  a  circle  and  the  B16  mark  of  the  Plymouth  to  
Bristol  TPO.  

The postage to the United Kingdom was  6d for each V, ounce from the  I  st  July 1876 until  the  I  st  October  
1888 when the rate went down to 4d for each V, ounce.  
CGH noted this letter as being two rates [2 in manuscript]  and noted a 9d accountancy mark which after  
arrival in the UK was obliterated  by the B  16. The  1 s/- charge mark was applied  in the Plymouth to Bristol  
TPO. CGH claimed 6d deficient postage  and 3d of the 6d fme on an underpaid  letter. The second  3d was  
added in the UK to make  ls  Od  due on delivery which was equal, on a second step letter to double the  
deficient postage . 
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