Page 92 - Johnson_CapeOfGoodHope
P. 92


Unpaid  letter  rate  to  the  United  Kingdom  

September  1889  

Mliin  feature  

The  fact  that  an  unpaid  letter  reached  its  destination  in  Liverpool.  The  
letter  was  sent  at  the  rate  of 4d  for  Y2  oz  [unpaid.  This  4d  rate  was  in  
force  between  the  1st October  1888  and  the31st  December  1890.  

All letters in or out of Cape Colony  had to be fully prepaid  and if unpaid  or underpaid  the letters were  
usually returned  to the writer for the postage  plus an extra half postage fee. There is no evidence  that this  
procedure  was followed  and no evidence  of a 2d stamp falling off. The rate to the UK was 6d for ~  oz and  
the 7d in manuscript  is 4d deficient postage  plus a half share of the fine of 6d [CC claim on the UK]. The  
1  Od  is the 7d plus the UK 3d share of the fme. The letter passed through the Foreign  Branch  in London  
where the  IOd was applied  but there are no other London marks  at all. The only cds on the back  are those of  
Cape Town and Liverpool.  The Kimberley  cds is where the stamp[s]  should have been. 
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