Page 102 - Chris King Denmark, Slesvig and Holstein: Invasion, Occupation, and Postal Change
P. 102
XIX. New stamps for the Duchies Rendsburg I Y.. Schillinge cover with rare Rendsburg canceller
S Schillinge cover to Dresden with rare Rendsburg canceller
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2"d April 1864, Wrapper sent to Rendsburg with I Y.. Schilling Courant (MiS) issued on I st March 1864
by the Federal Commissioners in Holstein. Cancelled with Danish three ring numeral 126 and
datestamped with Ant Ill NORTORF. On reverse Ant VII Rendsburg~Neumunster railway eds RENDSB
- NEUM.P.S.B 0 and scarce Ant Ill RENDSBURG used only for one month from 4m March 1864.
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7th March 1864, Envelope sent to Dresden bearing two pairs I Y.. Schilling Courant (MlSI). Cancelled
with Danish three ring numeral 54 and datestamped Ant Ill RENDSBURG known only from 4th to
13th March 1864. Bearing red boxed FRANCO and manuscript 3 and frti. (E)
Franked with previous Danish equivalent rate of 16 Skilling being S Silbergroschen, 2 for transmission to Hamburg and 3
for delivery from Hamburg to Dresden.
Denmork, Slesvig and Holstein. Invasion. OccupotiOn and Posto! Change: Page 102