Page 100 - Chris King Denmark, Slesvig and Holstein: Invasion, Occupation, and Postal Change
P. 100
XVll. The Second Armistice Period - 2ot11 July I 864 34 Skilling cover to London
Early "foreign" letter from Denmark to Schleswig
0 0 I Oth September 1864, Rare cover to London with two 16 Skilling 1863 lilac and one 2 Skilling
1854. Cancelled with three ring numeral 1 and datestamped Ant VI KI0BENHA VN. With PD
(Payee Destination), arrival stamp LONDON PAID and 5 (Schilling Courant) due to the German-
Austrian postal union. Transit marks for LObeck Stadt Post and Coeln-Verviers railway.
Circular 4/ 1864 stated that mail routed via Sweden could be carried with 4 Skilling added to the usual rate. The usual rate
to England, plus 4 Skilling. is 34 Skilling. (Protected with UV filter) .
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0 11 th September 1864, Foreign letter sent to Cappeln in the Duchy of Schleswig during the
second armistice period. 4 Skilling 1863 issue cancelled with three ring numeral for Fredericia and
datestamp Ant Ill FREDERICIA. On reverse Prussian double eds for HADERSLEBEN,
SCHLESWIG, CAPPELN and rectangular railway SCHLESW.POST.SPED.BUR Zug No 1 Siidlich.
The land route to the Duchies was reopened on 3rd September and few letters similarly franked are known.
Denmark. Slesvig ond Holstein. Invasion. Occupation ond Postal Change: Page 1 00