Page 97 - Chris King Denmark, Slesvig and Holstein: Invasion, Occupation, and Postal Change
P. 97

XVll. The Second Armistice Period - 20th July  I 864   Prussian penalty rate, Strafporto, on stamped Jutland mail
                                                                         Prussian military mail with Danish postmark

                                                            f .,.i.,e()., ~ .. ~
          0  0  24th August 1864, Entire letter addressed to Kolding in Jutland from Holstebro with 4 Skilling
            crown and sceptre cancelled with three ring numeral 29 datestamped eds Ant Ill HOLSTEBRO.

           From 24th July until  I" September 1864 the Prussian field  post service took over mail  handling in Jutland. Danish stamps
          were not recognised, and stamped mail was delivered with the addition of six Skilling, 6 "strafporto" i.e. penalty postage.

         25th September 1864, Entire military letter sent to Viborg in Jutland through the Prussian field post
         but postmarked with Danish Ant IV-I  AARHUUS canceller used only between 5t11  September and 6th
                                                  October in  1864.

                                                       Deomork. Slesvig and Holstein. Invasion. Occupation and Postal Change: Page 97
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