Page 99 - Chris King Denmark, Slesvig and Holstein: Invasion, Occupation, and Postal Change
P. 99

XVll. The Second Armistice Period - 2om July  1864               Civil mail carried by the Prussian field post
                                                                          Prussian  military mail with Danish canceller

                      I 7th September 1864, Entire letter sent through the Danish post office to
                 Skanderborg bearing Danish Ant VI  eds HORSENS Marked K. T (official) in  manuscript
                                        but also with manuscript 6 for postage.


           lSth September 1864, Outer wrapper sent to Randers with double eds Prussian field post office
               FELD POST D.COMB.GARDE.INF.DIV * and Danish receiving eds Ant IV RANDERS.

                                                        Denmark, Slesvig and Holstein. Invasion, Occupation and Postal Change: Page 99
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